Thursday, December 15, 2011

How to handle a diamond python snake?

My boyfriend has a diamond python and he has not handled it yet. It came from a neglected past, and was quite agressive when first homed here a few months ago.

It seems to have quietened down recently however and he wants to start handling it.

What is the best way to do this? Where do you hold it and any other information would be appreciated.

Its his first pet reptile so we're not quite sure!

Thanks :)|||I wouldn't have recommended a diamond as a first snake. They tend to be aggressive anyway, and they are a rather large python. Not huge, but large, and they can deliver a painful bite. My suggestion would be to wear smooth leather gloves such as work gloves. Stay away from suede (rough leather) as the teeth will catch and possibly get broken if it should bite. With gloves you can at least keep the snake away from your face if necessary. Short periods of handling might help calm the snake, but don't be surprised if it never gets to be very friendly.

When handling, I'd just reach in, and gently take the snake by mid body and upper body. Don't grab, just hold. Then bring it out. Do not squeeze the head or neck, this will cause a defensive pull back. Try not to be tentative with holding. Go in, pick it up and hold it. Don't put your hand in there, pull it back if it seems to be acting aggressively or things like that. The quick, tentative movements tend to create a strike mode. Good luck with your new pet!|||This would really depend upon the size of the snake. If it is a snappy hatchling I would where some light gloves or put socks on my hands. If you are talking about a 5 or six footer then this is a different problem. Most likely either way you are going to take a bite. If it is a larger snake holding it while lightly restraining the head work and then over time slowly release the head. This should be done daily when not shedding or digesting a meal. This all being said, there is no guarantee that the snake will ever tolerate handling to the point of what people consider "tame". Good luck. I love diamonds they are gorgeous snakes,|||well first i would get some gloves if you are afriad of it bitting you or him. also the best thing to do is not be afraid just slowly reach in there and hold it in the tank at first and slowly when the time is right take it out in the room and wonder with it. just learn its beahvior first and it will let you know when its enough.|||This snake is known to be aggressive and unpredictable. Really not a good snake for a beginner. If you want to handle him them you must be gentle and very patient. As the others have said by all means wear gloves. The Diamond Python is a cousin to the gorgeous Carpet Python.. and there again Carpet Pythons do not have a friendly nature. Perhaps had you gotten this snake as a hatchling and been able to spend a lot of time with handling it might have a more docile nature. Whatever the case be very careful when trying to handle.

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