Saturday, December 17, 2011

How do you cut a diamond, what tools do you use?

After the diamond is cut, how do you shape it to the various designs? ( I cannot find the appropriate category to list my inquiry.|||A jeweler/gemologist uses natural fracture planes in the mineral created by its atomic structure (crystal lattice).

These professionals use very basic tools - a metal hammer that knocks a face off of the crystal. When the man who was given the largest diamond in the world finally decided where to make his first cut (after almost two years of simply studying the raw diamond), he just used a metal hammer.

Naturally, there are new methods available, from direct diamond cutting with a special saw to using a laser to cut facets. But the hammer remains the best method, because it gives the natural luster and shape to the gemstone.

Jewelers will use a very fine-grit polishing wheel to finish off the new facet.|||Hi,

I think that ContinentalDIA can help you for this issue.


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|||chisel and hammer maybe?

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