Thursday, December 15, 2011

How come Shreddies Cerial says they are diamond shaped but they are not?

Why does Post Shreddies Cerial say they are the new diamond shaped now but they are still square? I know because I bought a box of the new diamond ones and there is no difference. |||You're right, they are not diamond shaped. It's a marketing ploy. Diamond shapes are elongated but the 'new' Shreddies are simply squares that they photographed sideways and that was supposed to make them look like diamonds....they don't because they are still square.

Why these marketing companies think we are totally stupid I really don't know but then maybe some people really believe them.

|||You can add my name to your complaint. I am not totally stupid either. Thanks.

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|||If you turn the square a bit, they become a diamond! Pretty cool, huh?

Why does the shape matter anyway? Tastes the same right?

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