Please or give me a link i have pokemon diamond and pearl but i wanna know when i get the pokemon revolution how can you play pokemon diamond and pearl for ds for wii with pokemon revolution.|||Okay the way it works is: On battle revolution you play with rental pokemon or a team sent in through your diamond or pearl via wireless communication. It is similar to pokemon stadium for the N64 if you have ever played that.
When you win battles and challenges you will be able to receive rare items, berries, and POKEMON (like pikachu with volt tackle) that you can send over to your game and battle with, train, and then use them on revolution. It is a pretty fun game once you get a good team together.|||the best thing to do is just play with the wiimote until you know what to do
if you have a linksys, you can go on or then just type in admin as username and press submit, this doesnt always work so enter the pass and user for the administrator. u can figure out the rest. :)
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|||Pokemon Battle Revolution connects to your Diamond or Pearl game and makes a copy of all of your pokemon to put onto the game. With custom pokemon available, you get a custom pass to use when battling. It makes it easier on you because then you have pokemon that you like.|||I just came across a site that sends you a Nintendo Wii for free! I'm ordering mine right now, can't wait to kick my friends asses in Wii Sports :)
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